DIY Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats

DIY Enrichment Activities for Indoor Cats

As a cat owner, it's essential to provide your feline friend with mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. Indoor cats can sometimes suffer from boredom or lack of exercise, which can lead to behavioral issues or health problems. Fortunately, there are plenty of DIY enrichment activities you can create at home to keep your cat entertained and engaged. In this article, we'll explore various DIY projects and ideas to enrich your indoor cat's life.

1. DIY Cat Trees and Perches

Cats love to climb and observe their surroundings from a high vantage point. Building a DIY cat tree or perch can provide your cat with the exercise and stimulation they need. Here's a simple guide to creating a cat tree:

  • Materials: Wood, screws, a saw, carpet or sisal rope, and non-toxic wood glue.
  • Steps:
    1. Design your cat tree with different levels and perches.
    2. Cut the wood to size and assemble the frame using screws and wood glue.
    3. Wrap the perches with carpet or sisal rope for traction.
    4. Add a secure base to prevent the tree from toppling over.
    5. Optional: Attach toys, scratching posts, or beds to the tree.

2. DIY Puzzle Feeders

Puzzle feeders can stimulate your cat's mind and slow down their eating, which is beneficial for their digestion and weight management. Here's how to make a simple puzzle feeder:


  • Materials: Cardboard boxes, treats or kibble, a utility knife, and non-toxic glue.
  • Steps:
    1. Cut a small hole in the top of a cardboard box.
    2. Create a maze-like pattern on the inside of the box by cutting small channels.
    3. Secure the channels with non-toxic glue to prevent them from collapsing.
    4. Place treats or kibble inside the box and let your cat figure out how to retrieve them.

3. DIY Cardboard Tunnels

Cats love to explore and hide in small spaces. Creating cardboard tunnels can provide your cat with a fun and safe space to play and hide. Here's how to make them:

  • Materials: Cardboard tubes (from toilet paper or paper towel rolls), a utility knife, and non-toxic glue.
  • Steps:
    1. Glue several tubes together to create a long tunnel.
    2. For added fun, you can connect different sized tubes to create twists and turns.
    3. Optional: Decorate the tunnels with catnip or attach toys to the outside.

4. DIY Scratching Posts

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats and is essential for their health and well-being. Creating a DIY scratching post can help protect your furniture and provide your cat with a dedicated space to scratch. Here's how to make one:

  • Materials: A sturdy pole (like a broom handle), sisal rope, and non-toxic glue.
  • Steps:
    1. Wrap the pole with sisal rope, securing the ends with glue.
    2. Attach a base to the pole to prevent it from toppling over.
    3. Optional: Add a perch or a hanging toy at the top of the post.

5. DIY Interactive Toys

Interactive toys can provide your cat with mental and physical stimulation. You can make simple toys using household items, such as:

  • Sock toys: Fill a sock with catnip and sew it closed. You can attach a jingle bell for added fun.
  • Paper balls: Crumple up some paper and toss it for your cat to chase and pounce on.
  • DIY feather wand: Attach a feather or a small toy to a long stick or string and play with your cat by moving it around.

6. DIY Window Perches

Cats love to watch the world outside, and a DIY window perch can provide them with a comfortable spot to do so. Here's a simple way to make one:

  • Materials: A sturdy wooden or plastic box, non-toxic wood glue, and a soft cushion or blanket.
  • Steps:
    1. Choose a box that fits the size of your window and can hold your cat's weight.
    2. Secure the box to the window sill using non-toxic glue or brackets.
    3. Add a soft cushion or blanket inside the box for your cat to lie on.

7. DIY Catnip Toys

Catnip is a natural herb that many cats find irresistible. You can make your own catnip toys to keep your cat entertained. Here's how:

  • Materials: Catnip, fabric (such as felt or cotton), thread, and a needle.
  • Steps:
    1. Fill a small fabric pouch with catnip.
    2. Seal the pouch by sewing the edges together.
    3. Optional: Attach a bell or a ribbon to the toy for added fun.

8. DIY Laser Pointer Game

A simple laser pointer can provide hours of entertainment for your cat. You can create a DIY laser pointer game by following these tips:

  • Safety first: Never shine the laser pointer directly into your cat's eyes.
  • Interactivity: Move the laser in a way that encourages your cat to jump, run, or chase.
  • Training: Use the laser pointer to teach your cat basic commands or tricks.


Enriching your indoor cat's life is essential for their overall well-being. By providing a variety of DIY enrichment activities, you can ensure that your cat stays happy, healthy, and engaged. Remember to always supervise your cat during playtime and ensure that all materials used are safe and non-toxic. With a little creativity and effort, you can create a stimulating and fun environment for your feline friend.